
domingo, 5 de novembro de 2023

Good bless

We are not alone, we walk together, united in one celestial body. We are the members and God is the head who enlightens us and frees us through his spirit of righteousness and truth, leads us to repentance and to uncover error, to make transformation, this is called perfection that leads us to light, the light that illuminates spiritual eternity, the dome that we must be under and wear armor to protect ourselves from inflammatory darts. because when Jesus was on the Cross there were two by his side and one denied and the other sought repentance, Jesus said you will be with me in paradise. He who hears the word and does not deny it by obeying is accepted, he who denies it suffers in captivity. Both being children of God, they remain in different states of soul and spirit. The reward of glory only comes through the state of greater communion with the father, son and the Holy Spirit, thus achieving splendid transfiguration similar to God. By Emanuel Andrade

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